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Search Engine Recap - Week 20 (2024)

Here's your weekly overview of the most crucial updates in the search engine world to keep your SEO strategy current. Welcome to Week 20.

Welcome to Week 20, which featured major updates to the search engine, including the rollout of Google's Search Generative Experience, a new web filter, and advice on handling outdated content. Here's an overview.

Google Rolls Out SGE at I/O 2024

The biggest news this week starts with Google's annual I/O event, where Google announced that SGE - better known as the Search Generative Experience - will be rolled out widely in the USA and then to other countries.

This means that Google's generative AI responses in the search engine are moving from the test phase to full integration in Google Search.

adjustable ai answer google

SGE aims to improve the search experience by integrating generative AI, thus helping users find information faster and more accurately through informative answers.

The function will be broadly implemented in Google's search results, expected to change how users interact with and obtain information.

Google also presented new AI tools and updates to existing products at its I/O event, furthering their mission to make information globally accessible and useful. It's exciting to follow this development and see how it will impact businesses worldwide.

At Bonzer, we have already conducted tests showing that classic results will lose a lot of visibility when a generative result is activated. However, this does not necessarily mean a loss of traffic.

Those who have followed Google's guidelines and know how to optimize for the new types of results can gain more traffic than ever and outdistance their competitors. You are welcome to reach out to us for more information.

Google Introduces New "Web" Filter

Google has introduced a new "Web" filter to search results, allowing users to see only text-based links to websites, similar to early search result formats.

google web filter image

This feature caters to users who prefer simplified, text-based results and is particularly useful for those searching for large documents online or with limited internet access.

The filter is available globally on both mobile and desktop, alongside other search filters such as "Images" and "News."

Overall, the update is a direct response to user feedback and aims to improve the search experience by offering more straightforward options.

It will be interesting to see how this affects CTR, as it is expected to reflect the 'classic' click distributions from when there were only 'blue' listings in Google's search results. How many will choose this function remains to be seen.

Google Issues Guidance on Outdated Content

Google has issued a warning against using "sneaky redirects" when updating content on websites.

Specifically, they caution against the misuse of the rel=canonical tag to redirect outdated content to new pages, as this can be perceived as an attempt to manipulate search results. Instead, Google recommends using proper 301 redirects or maintaining both old and new pages if they are not identical.

Following these guidelines ensures compliance with Google's policies and avoids potential penalties.

Takeaways and Recommendations

The biggest takeaways for this week primarily stem from Google's I/O event, which is a culmination of recent years' tests and even longer preparation.

It should come as no surprise to the SEO world that Google, following its success with AI and numerous tests, has now chosen to roll out SGE finally. Businesses have had a year to prepare for this, and there is still some extra time in the Scandinavian countries.

Therefore, the clear recommendation is to adjust your SEO strategy now if you have not already made it ready for SGE and the reality facing businesses here.

Generally, the advice is to follow Google's ongoing updates and guidelines - as we review here - to stay prepared for the continuous updates.

But if you or your business are still unsure whether your strategy is prepared or need help getting there, feel free to request an analysis from Bonzer. As a specialized SEO agency, this is our specialty - getting businesses to the top, no matter what updates come from the search engine.

Thomas Bogh

CPO & Partner

Thomas is the CPO (Chief Product Officer) and Partner at Bonzer, which means his day-to-day focus lies in constantly analyzing Google's algorithm and developing SEO as a product. Thomas has worked with SEO for several years with a strong passion for sharing his knowledge on how businesses can best implement SEO into their operations. In addition to Bonzer, Thomas contributes his expertise to readers at publications like Search Engine Journal, DanDomain, and Detailfolk. He also teaches Digital Media Strategy at Copenhagen Business School and SEO at DMJX in Copenhagen. If you have any questions or requests regarding the SEO universe, feel free to contact him at [email protected].

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